Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday Morning Motivator

I know that Monday mornings are not the easiest and darn it they just keep coming!  This is why I decided to come up with my Monday Morning Motivation...a way to start the week off right.  Grab your favorite cup of Joe, a comfy seat and join me for a little Monday Morning encouragement...

This morning, I'm stealing my encouragement from my friend and WTHR news woman, Nicole Pence ( if you don't watch WTHR what's wrong with you?!) just kidding, but if you watch you already notice that Nicole is always an upbeat, smiling face filled with positive thoughts and words...believe me this is her everyday personality not just an on air persona!

Anyway, I've gotten side tracked :). This morning this is what Nicole posted on Facebook :

God created each of us to be an original; special, unique and perfect, so why must we'd try so desperately to fit in and be like everyone else?!  The pressure to be a copy of someone else is so intense! As I spend each day walking the halls of a middle school, I am reminded of how hard it is to survive each day. At this time in our lives, many of us didn't realize how special we were and how we were created just as we are for a reason.

My goal today...and for many days to follow, is to remember that I was created uniquely perfect by the One who knows much better than me! I am a one of a kind original and no one is as good at being me than me so I'll make today the best I can and make me the best ME that I can be...

Monday, September 16, 2013

Monday Morning Motivator

Thank you, God for opening my eyes to see another day!

I know that Monday mornings can be a tough thing...and darn it, they keep coming around.  This is why I decided that I need a little motivation to get things started off on the right foot.  So grab your favorite cup of joe, a comfy seat and join me for a little Monday Morning Motivation...

This weekend I was truly blessed to be in the honor of real life heroes.  Men, women and children that have given the ultimate sacrifice...their life! Saturday evening I attended the Patriot Gala which was to benefit The Folds of Honor organization.  The Folds of Honor takes care of  military families of fallen or wounded soldiers.  On this evening, I heard from a mother of five who received that dreaded knock on the door saying that her fighter pilot husband would not return home to their family.  Not only did his F16 get shot down his body was not with the wreckage.  Left without the love of her life and five children under 10 years of age what was she going to do?  Folds of Honor gave this family the support that they needed to wake up day after day and then they gave each child a full scholarship for their future college! Ginger now has a support system of people all over the world and the freedom of knowing her kids futures are taken care of.


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

We will never forget

I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing on Tuesday, September 11, 2001... a day that changed America as we knew it!  


On this day our country was devastated like it had never been before but It also came together like it never happened before.  Never had we been attacked and blindsided by such heinous people and never had so many lives been devastated by such an act of terrorism.

On this day week and cowardly men took the lives of many Americans because of their hatred for the United States. On this day families lost husbands wives children parents brothers and sisters but heroes were also born. Although the New York skyline and many families will never be the same we will never forget the heroes that appeared that day.

On Wednesday, September 11, 2013 I remember the day America changed forever and I say thank you to those men and women who bravely fought and saved and died for my freedom.

We will never forget 9/11 and the changes that our country faced because of it!

Peace be with all of those families that were  touched on that horrible day!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Getting Old Sucks

I hate knowing that I'm getting old. For so long, my youngest would say to me "mom, why are all my friends moms so much older than you?" But he's not saying that anymore :(

It seems that with each passing day I show more and more age! "Mom, you're so boring !" Or  "mom, you don't know what's funny!" Or the simple fact that everything creaks and cracks hen I get up from my set. Ugh, I'm clearly getting old!

Today, just one more reminder: my rotator cuff is jacked up! Really?! Am I old or out of shape or just both?! Why God?!  I'm not as strong as you think I am...I need something!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


You may think this a little odd, but as a Butler University alum, we love our bulldog mascots.  We have been blessed with a couple of amazing bullies that have represented the Dawgs with pride.  Unfortunately, we had to say goodbye to Blue II this weekend.


After 9 years and representing us at two Final Four games, Blue II has gone to that doggy heaven in the sky.  He retired last year and his successor; Blue III, also known as Trip, has taken over his responsibilities.  Butler mourns the loss, but knows that our mascot is no longer suffering and will be barking "Go Dawgs" from his new game seat in the sky. RIP Blue dog, you'll be missed!!

August 31, 2013 RIP

Monday, September 2, 2013

Monday Morning Motivator

Mondays are tough for many of us and they just keep coming around.  That's why I've decided to create the Monday Morning Motivator to get my day off to the right start.  So grab your favorite cup of latte and a comfy seat and join me for a little Monday morning motivation...

Well most Mondays have been tough to get on my blog before heading off to school, but not today...

Labor Day means NO SCHOOL

Yes, I love my job and I love the kids but a day off is always a beautiful thing! Today will be a relaxing day just hangin with my boys! No big plans (other than the fact that the laundry baskets are overflowing and my carpets look like a golden retriever ) so it's a day to chillax!  We all need a day to recoup, refresh and rejuvenate for the days ahead - I hope you get that opportunity today!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

What is my settled pattern?

So I didn't go to church this morning, but instead I did my own reading. 2 Corinthians 10 says that we either walk in the flesh or we walk on the Spirit and both of these paths denotes a settled pattern.

What are some of the patterns that I've gotten into? This walk is along a long road and the journey has many bumps along the way, but it's imperative that we continue walking...and in the right direction.  I know that there are many patterns that I've gotten into that are making a turn down another road and I also know that I've gotten lazy  and stopped walking to find myself just sitting under a shade tree and enjoying the view without being in it.  God asks that we trust in Him and follow Him and he's given us the directions in His Word.

Today, I pray that I will not settle and instead I will deliberately follow God down the road that he has directed me down.