Friday, October 24, 2014

Fall Frenzy

When  there's a crispness in the air and the leaves begin to turn to a beautiful shade of red and orange, I'm in heaven... I love it when we can wear a sweatshirt and curl up under a blanket at the football game.


When you're a teacher, there's also a special time in the fall... FALLL BREAK! This year it works out that I'm on break at a different time then my boys which means that I get two days all to myself.  Or so I thought.  For my first day of break I had intended to do absolutely nothing... relax, take a bath, and do nothing worthwhile, but it seems that other people had other plans for me.  I started my morning by tutoring one of my freshman students at 9am (which meant I had to be awake and clean- 1st thing that I had not planned on that early).  Then I knew that the laundry was getting out of control so it shouldn't be to hard to start a load or two, right?!  As the laundry was rolling around in the machine I got a call from my dad that was going to create even more unexpected work for me.  Yes, I answered the call anyway.  So next I'm cleaning all of my carpets because my parents rented a carpet cleaner and only need it for 1hr out of the 24hour rental...

                                            WORK, WORK, WORK over my fall break!

                                Well that was day 1, but I vowed that day 2 would be better!

So my plan for day 2 was going to be RELAX, RELAX, and more RELAX!  The morning started with some coffee and The Today Show followed by Grey's Anatomy that was saved from two nights earlier. HALLELUJAH, HALLELUJAH!  This is what I had planned for fall break.  Next a nice, long, HOT shower followed by a little more relaxation (I didn't want to wear myself out too quickly).  So I did plan on doing something productive today so I cut some wood, did a little sanding and even a little painting.

So what I thought might wind up as a bummer of a break has ended up as a positive... productive and beneficial.  Tomorrow is family picture day and that's a whole other can of ugly...


Monday, October 13, 2014

Monday morning motivation

I know that for many of us, Monday Mornings are a rough start to the week... but they keep on coming! That's why I came up with the Monday Morning Motivation so that I am assured to start the week off in the right frame of mind.  So grab your favorite cup of coffee and a comfy seat and join me for the Monday Morning motivator...

On this cold and dreary Monday morning in Indiana, I'm finding it very hard to be motivated. Of course I got up, got dressed and even made it to work on time, but I'm still not feeling productive.

Do you ever have those days?! You know what I mean...the kind where you simply don't want to do anything at all?!  How do you get yourself going? Share your tricks because today I'm failing... EPIC fail as my boys would say.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Monday Morning Motivation


I know that for many of us, Monday Mornings are a rough start to the week... but they keep on coming! That's why I came up with the Monday Morning Motivation so that I am assured to start the week off in the right frame of mind.  So grab your favorite cup of coffee and a comfy seat and join me for the Monday Morning motivator...

It seems that with age comes many new things... wrinkles, added weight, more responsibilities, menopause etc, but fortunately, the saying is correct that with age comes wisdom.  Wisdom comes from experiences; knowledge from growth, successes, failures, pain and joys.  I'm not sure what brought it on, but this weekend had me thinking about the wisdom I've gained over the past few years. As I approach another birthday, I realize that I continually change... grow and mature.  I am slower to anger (most of the time), slower to get emotional and slower to act before thinking.  

I am proud of the person that I've been in my youth, but I feel better about who I am as I age.  Not because I'm embarrassed of things I've done or because I regret choices I've made but because I've learned so much from the life I've lived so far... I hope to keep learning, to keep growing and to keep gaining wisdom each and every day.

Lord, help me to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.