Saturday, September 13, 2014

Fall is finally here

I love the sunshine, flip flops on my feet and bronze colored skin, but I must admit that when autumn comes around I get a bigger smile on my face.  There's a crispness in the air, Pumpkin Spice Lattes at Starbucks, jeans with a comfy hoodie (and still flip fllops) and the leaves that begin to look like a rainbow.

God is so good!  He knows that I need that little bit of beauty to remind me that he's still here... that masterpiece of red, orange and yellow to shoow me he's still in charge.  yep, God is Good!

What does fall mean to you? Are there traditions that keep you yearning for the change in seasons?

Yes, I think of pumpkins and apple orchards, football and tailgaiting, but I also think of those things I'm grateful for.  Thanksgiving.  Being grateful! Why is it that fall makes me think of this more than any other time?  Well at leaast I'm thinking!

Today I'm thinking of the list of things I'm thankful for... 

*friends and family   *health   *a home with more than I need inside   * job that I love   *mother and father that are still there whenever I need them  *two boys that are healthy and happy    

The list could go on and on and on, but I'm going to start here and keep smiling while the leaves change, while the apples fall from the trees, friends huddle next to the bonfire and we watch footbal every weekend! 

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