Monday, January 12, 2015

Monday Morning Motivation


I know that for many of us, Monday Mornings are a rough start to the week... but they keep on coming! That's why I came up with the Monday Morning Motivation so that I am assured to start the week off in the right frame of mind.  So grab your favorite cup of coffee and a comfy seat and join me for the Monday Morning motivator...

Well winter in Indiana is a roller coaster, to say the least, so we never really know what to expect from day to day (and if you try to guess what is going to happen you will most likely always be wrong).  So this morning I woke up and ...

See I went to bed expecting a 2 hour delay so that's what I get... a day off.  The part that's truly excited about this outcome is that I have a snow day, but my kids... had a 2hour delay!!! Now you know that's not meant to be mean, but instead it's a mom thinking of all the things she can get done today (or all the things she might not get done and still be smiling 😊).

                            So I'm faced with a Monday and a Snow Day all in one... 

 Today my motivation comes in an effort to simply be a better me.  I rarely make new year's resolutions, but I have decided that it's not a resolution but a conserted effort to be better. Be better health, better spirit, better citizen.  These things simply come in doing things like making time for me (because that is better for my health, my spirit, my family...) As a mom, I think the tendency is to try and do everything for everyone else; be the best employee, mom, wife and friend, thinking of yourself last which makes this impossible.

So this morning I ask thhat we all take a moment to think about ourselves.  Are you taking the time to take care of you or are you running crazy trying to do for everyone.  This week it's a new day, a new YOU.  Plan to do something for yourself this week that is only for you.  


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