Monday, June 30, 2014

Monday Morning Motivation


I know that for many of us, Monday Mornings are a rough start to the week... but they keep on coming! That's why I came up with the Monday Morning Motivation so that I am assured to start the week off in the right frame of mind.  So grab your favorite cup of coffee and a comfy seat and join me for the Monday Morning motivator...

As we approach the 4th of July, I am thinking about Independence and what it takes to get that.  Most importantly, I am thinking of those men and women that have helped us gain that Independence.

I have been blessed to be friends with a beautiful military family that has a mission in life to help take care of others... military families in particular.  The Folds of Honor Foundation was founded in 2007 by Major Dan Rooney, a former F-16 pilot, golf course owner, PGA Professional and USGA member. A Major in the Air National Guard and a decorated military aviator, Rooney has served three combat tours in Iraq. After returning from his second tour, Major Rooney witnessed a profound situation that drove him to create the Folds of Honor Foundation. The Folds of Honor is an organization that works to take care of military families that have had loss or injury due to their service.  Raising money to send children of fallen soldiers to school, help famillies keep their homes and try to carry  on a normal life after pain and tradgedy is just part of their mission.

I am s grateful that their is a way for me to be a part of this amazing journey!! Patriot Shoootout Indiana is a golf outing and gala used to raise money for the Folds of Honor.  There's an evening of dressing up, bidding on Silent Auction items and then listening to tear jerking stories of how this organization have helped so many families.  Next day raise more money by golfing! Winner of the Indiana Shootout gets to go to the Patriot Shootout in Oklahoma to golf at Dan Rooney's course with celebrities and men and women who serve or have served us proudly.  AMAZING EVENT! AMAZING ORGANIZATION!

Join me August 22, 2014 at The Columbia Club; Indianapolis,  IN for the gala and then 
  August 23, 2014 at The Legends golf course in Franklin, IN for The Patriot Shoootout Indiana

Monday, June 23, 2014

Monday Morning Motivation

I know that for many of us, Monday Mornings are a rough start to the week... but they keep on coming! That's why I came up with the Monday Morning Motivation so that I am assured to start the week off in the right frame of mind.  So grab your favorite cup of coffee and a comfy seat and join me for the Monday Morning motivator...

I would not have expected to be up and ready presentable  going at 9am on Monday morning during my summer break! Oh but alas, it comes down to my kids... they'd hate to be referred to as kids because with one teenage boy and one tween boy they somehow  think they're full grown men.  Anyway, this summer has been a busy one, but this mornning I'm choosing to be grateful that I have the summer to be with my boys.

When you're in the midst of raising young ones you can feel overwhelmed and exhausted, praying that this time would end, but be careful... it goes so da** dang incredibly fast! Because my oldest is getting ready to drive, I've had time recently to think back and realize that those days when I thought I'd never make  through simply flew by!  I coudn't see it then and still rush some days away with my 10 year old, but I also realize it goes so FAST that I have to remember to slow down and enjoy the moments as they happen.

With that all said, today's Monday Morning motivation is to slow down... take each day as it comes... smell the roses... make lemonade out of lemons and margaritas out of limes! Count to 10 when you think you can't handle the kids anymore because they'll be gone before we know it...

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Summer Time is Fun Time

I love, love, love summer vacation! I love teaching and I love my kids at school, but this is a great time to relax, rejuvinate and refresh...


Or at least that's what I thought!! Heck no, this summer is crazy unbelievable   jam packed summer! It seems that the boys have got a personal chauffeur this summer because I am spending all of my time running, running, and running (OK, so it's actually driving since I do NOT run)  from one place to the next!

Jake and I are grateful that we're able to let the boys experience lots of different things, but I hate to say that he might have over done it this summer! It seems that both boys are doing the junior golf
program 2 days a week at the country club, the youngest is on the club's junior golf team which means weekly matching at various courses, both boys are playing in the Hamilton County Jr PGA

golf program with matches each week at various courses throughout Hamilton County and the
youngest is playing on a travel baseball team with practices and multi-day tournaments each week.
Yes, my schedule is a big full this summer....

We are going from one golf course...



to another...



And from one baseball diamond...


to another!


But alas, I love summer break when I get to watch my boys grow and learn (even when they don't realize it's happening)! I get to see them experiment with new things, take on new adventures, and GROW GROW GROW!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Free at Last...

Yes, it has been a LONG time since I've been able to consistantly blog, but I'm FREE AT LAST so that's going to change!  Summer break has never felt so good.  This school year seemed like it was far more emotionally draining than years past so I can honestly say that I was more ready than ever!


As I sit here and sip my coffee, I have already made a list a mile long of things I want to do this summer- a sort of Summer Bucket List/To Do list.  Some of it is fun while some is more necessity; repainting rooms and clearing the clutter from my office :(  But I do know that the boys and I are going to be doing lots of golf and baseball and while they're golfing I'm going to be poolside!

On that note... get ready because there will be lots to talk about! Summer must read books, awesome projects from my other busines ( and then the regular summer time adventures.  Stay posted the jouurney is just beginning...