Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Free at Last...

Yes, it has been a LONG time since I've been able to consistantly blog, but I'm FREE AT LAST so that's going to change!  Summer break has never felt so good.  This school year seemed like it was far more emotionally draining than years past so I can honestly say that I was more ready than ever!


As I sit here and sip my coffee, I have already made a list a mile long of things I want to do this summer- a sort of Summer Bucket List/To Do list.  Some of it is fun while some is more necessity; repainting rooms and clearing the clutter from my office :(  But I do know that the boys and I are going to be doing lots of golf and baseball and while they're golfing I'm going to be poolside!

On that note... get ready because there will be lots to talk about! Summer must read books, awesome projects from my other busines (www.facebook.com/repurposedwithpurpose) and then the regular summer time adventures.  Stay posted the jouurney is just beginning...

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