Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Top 13 of 2013...

As another year winds to a close I'm taking a few moments to remember all the joys, tears, successes and fears of 2013.  Some reminscing is to keep it from happening again (hopefully) while other is to not forget the blessings that have been poured out on us!


13).  Multiple trips to visit the Georgia Bakers!  It's always filled with craziness, laughter, fun and sometimes tears, but always full of adventure!


12). Baseball, Baseball and more baseball! This was our first year to experience travel baseball... not always a great experiennce, but we learned SOOO much!

11).  Cole started HIGH SCHOOL! I know that I'm not old enough to have a kid in high school, but Jake is (ha! ha! ha!- sorry but you're older than me, hubby).  I guess it  worries a mom more than the kid.  Cole survived had a great first semester in high  school so we'll hope that 2014 brings an even better 2nd semester.

10). Folds of Honor and the Indiana Patriot Cup.  In August, we were blessed to be a part of the Indiana Folds of Honor and raise money with Mike and Janine for families of wounded or killed soldiers.  The evening brought smiles as we listened to the children explain how they've been blessed by this organization and tears as we hear how they've lost so much to get these blessings.


9). Year number two at Zionsville West Middle School for me! So  grateful to be asked back to the school  that I've come to know and love- even better  I've been able to do my student teaching here where I know the kids and teachers!

8). My mom got a new job and is now working at Purdue University where she graduated from.  She's loved the atmosphere there and seems to be much happier which is a blessing.  

7).  Passed my Praxis exams (almost!). In order to get my teaching licenses,  I had multiple exams to take and I passed my final Special Education Praxis the first time out with flying colors and them the Elementary Education all content wasn't bad either ... except the MATH! Darn  it for those stupid numbers!! Passed all but the math on the first time out- took a couple  more tries onn that one.

6).  Golf, golf,  and more golf! NOT ME... oh no!! While I continue to stink at the sport, my boys are falling deeper and deeper in love with it as well as getting pretty good.  Wherever we go, it seems we have to find a golf course.  Cole was even able to  play in a Master's Junior Tournament which was an amazing experience.

5).  Repurposed With a Purpose. This fall I decided to sell some of the creations that I've been making...it was a huge hit! In a three week period I sold 13 of the "You are my Sunshine" signs! I hope it continues into 2014.

4). Kitty Coco joined our home in October 2013. Poor little babe was found in a dumpster with his brother at 2 weeks old. I nursed him, fed him with a bottle and fell in love so little kitty Coco is now a part of our family!

3). Family, family, family!

2). Laughter, lattes and love. I've not always been good about staying current with my blogging but it has been an enjoyable experience. What a fun way to share and communicate with people you've never met! My goal for 2014 is to be more consistent and keep in touch with my blogging world a little better than I did in 2013.

1). Wishes for blessings in 2014!!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas to All

        For unto us a child is born....

                                                                  Joy to the world
                                                               The  Lord   Is Come

                                                           Let Earth recieive Her King!

                                                         Let              Every        Heart 

                                                       Prepare          Him           Room

                                                     And  Heaven  and   Nature    Sing

                                                   And    Heaven     and    Nature   Sing 

                                                                Joy  To   the World!


Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas is Almost here...

   It's hard to believe, but Christmas is only 3 days away and I'm not ready!


The stockings are hung by the mantel with care and the gifts are all piled still waiting to wrap themselves be wrapped! I don't remember ever being this behind, but this year was filled with all sorts of adventures and chaos to keep me busy.  My little business of repurposing things has been crazy this month! It has been so fun, but it has keep me busy, busy, busy!


Oh and on top of all that I finished my student teaching this past week! I am done with all my school work except the final touches to my teaching portfolio.  I can't believe it but I'm actually going to be able to apply for my teaching license in January (insert Hallelujah chorus being sung here!)

While there's still so much to be done, I'm going to try to focus the next three days and remember what Christmas is all about.  Christmas is about Jesus and about family and love! Take a moment the next few days and try to relax and settle down... try to take a deep breath and be grateful for all that you have!

Merry Christmas to all and to all a Blessed night!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Monday Morning Motivation


I know that for many of us, Monday Mornings are a rough start to the week... but they keep on coming! That's why I came up with the Monday Morning Motivation so that I am assured to start the week off in the right frame of mind.  So grab your favorite cup of coffee and a comfy seat and join me for the Monday Morning motivator...

As we draw nearer to Christmas Day, I continually need to force myself to remember what the real reason of this season is.  The hustle and bustle can often distract us from what is truly important and I try to be aware of that throughout this month.  This month at church our pastor is focusing on Ephesians 2 and the verse of "Come now long expected Savior" and that is what Advent is.  

The word Advent means "waiting" which is what we are doing as Christians.  We are waiting for the 2nd coming of Christ just as they were waiting for a Savior to come before us.  


So as I start this 3rd week of Advent, I am going to try to slow down and remember what this season is truly about.  I want to remember that this time of year is about family... about love... and about people, but most importantly about a beautiful baby boy that was born to save the world from eternal damnation!  Thank you God for sending your son, to save me!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

12 Days of Christmas

Oh my goodness, it has been so long  forever since I've had the time to blog with you! My life has  been absolutely crazy awful hectic! So it's time to slow down and enjoy the time of year that I love so much... Christmas! This is a time of peace, love,  family and friends and there's just no way that anyone can be grumpy or sad during this season! Right?!

As I always do during Christmas it's time to create some more amazing decorations for the home! You would think I've done enough and that my house is exploding the fun and festive decor, but that will NEVER EVER EVER be the case because I love to create and decorate!  Since I have two boys in my house (OK, you're right there are 3 because the hubby often acts like one of the boys !!) I am not able to decorate my home in a sophisticated and classy kind of way that I might like, but instead I try to keep things more traditional  with a bit of a rustic or primitive flair...

My tree is trimmed with simple white lights and sock monkeys...

The stockings are hung by the stairwell :) with care...

The elf  is watching for all to be nice (not naughtY)...

And I've added a splash of "girly color" to my sidetable...

Merry Christmas!! 

Monday, October 28, 2013

Monday Morning Motivation


Monday mornings are tough for many of us and darn it if they don't just keep coming around! In order to try and get mine off on the right foot I decided to start the Monday Morning Motivation section.  So why don't you grab yourself a warm cup of your favorite latte and a comfy seat to join me  for a little extra motivation this morning...

After a long weekend of continual rain here in the Indy area, it is a beautiful sight to see the sun shining brilliantly over the ground! Even more beautiful is the fact at God loves me so much that he opened my eyes this morning and gave me another opportunity to do right by Him and those around me. Wow!!

 Thank you, God!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Repurposed with a Purpose

I've officially turned my hobby into a business! There's nothing that I won't redo and now I'm selling it! (Insert cheering and yells!) Woop woop!

I've put together a Facebook page called Repurposed with a Purpose where I'm posting photos of finished products, prices and customizable options!


I am having so much fun and it's so exciting to have people I don't know enjoying my work! As of today, I've sold my first two pieces and gotten a custom order! It gives me goosebumps (insert extreme pride and blushing).


So if you know anyone looking for a unique and customizable gift send them my way! Go check out the Facebook page Repurposed with a Purpose...

Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday Morning Motivator

I know that Monday mornings are not the easiest and darn it they just keep coming!  This is why I decided to come up with my Monday Morning Motivation...a way to start the week off right.  Grab your favorite cup of Joe, a comfy seat and join me for a little Monday Morning encouragement...

This morning, I'm stealing my encouragement from my friend and WTHR news woman, Nicole Pence ( if you don't watch WTHR what's wrong with you?!) just kidding, but if you watch you already notice that Nicole is always an upbeat, smiling face filled with positive thoughts and words...believe me this is her everyday personality not just an on air persona!

Anyway, I've gotten side tracked :). This morning this is what Nicole posted on Facebook :

God created each of us to be an original; special, unique and perfect, so why must we'd try so desperately to fit in and be like everyone else?!  The pressure to be a copy of someone else is so intense! As I spend each day walking the halls of a middle school, I am reminded of how hard it is to survive each day. At this time in our lives, many of us didn't realize how special we were and how we were created just as we are for a reason.

My goal today...and for many days to follow, is to remember that I was created uniquely perfect by the One who knows much better than me! I am a one of a kind original and no one is as good at being me than me so I'll make today the best I can and make me the best ME that I can be...

Monday, September 16, 2013

Monday Morning Motivator

Thank you, God for opening my eyes to see another day!

I know that Monday mornings can be a tough thing...and darn it, they keep coming around.  This is why I decided that I need a little motivation to get things started off on the right foot.  So grab your favorite cup of joe, a comfy seat and join me for a little Monday Morning Motivation...

This weekend I was truly blessed to be in the honor of real life heroes.  Men, women and children that have given the ultimate sacrifice...their life! Saturday evening I attended the Patriot Gala which was to benefit The Folds of Honor organization.  The Folds of Honor takes care of  military families of fallen or wounded soldiers.  On this evening, I heard from a mother of five who received that dreaded knock on the door saying that her fighter pilot husband would not return home to their family.  Not only did his F16 get shot down his body was not with the wreckage.  Left without the love of her life and five children under 10 years of age what was she going to do?  Folds of Honor gave this family the support that they needed to wake up day after day and then they gave each child a full scholarship for their future college! Ginger now has a support system of people all over the world and the freedom of knowing her kids futures are taken care of.


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

We will never forget

I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing on Tuesday, September 11, 2001... a day that changed America as we knew it!  


On this day our country was devastated like it had never been before but It also came together like it never happened before.  Never had we been attacked and blindsided by such heinous people and never had so many lives been devastated by such an act of terrorism.

On this day week and cowardly men took the lives of many Americans because of their hatred for the United States. On this day families lost husbands wives children parents brothers and sisters but heroes were also born. Although the New York skyline and many families will never be the same we will never forget the heroes that appeared that day.

On Wednesday, September 11, 2013 I remember the day America changed forever and I say thank you to those men and women who bravely fought and saved and died for my freedom.

We will never forget 9/11 and the changes that our country faced because of it!

Peace be with all of those families that were  touched on that horrible day!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Getting Old Sucks

I hate knowing that I'm getting old. For so long, my youngest would say to me "mom, why are all my friends moms so much older than you?" But he's not saying that anymore :(

It seems that with each passing day I show more and more age! "Mom, you're so boring !" Or  "mom, you don't know what's funny!" Or the simple fact that everything creaks and cracks hen I get up from my set. Ugh, I'm clearly getting old!

Today, just one more reminder: my rotator cuff is jacked up! Really?! Am I old or out of shape or just both?! Why God?!  I'm not as strong as you think I am...I need something!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


You may think this a little odd, but as a Butler University alum, we love our bulldog mascots.  We have been blessed with a couple of amazing bullies that have represented the Dawgs with pride.  Unfortunately, we had to say goodbye to Blue II this weekend.


After 9 years and representing us at two Final Four games, Blue II has gone to that doggy heaven in the sky.  He retired last year and his successor; Blue III, also known as Trip, has taken over his responsibilities.  Butler mourns the loss, but knows that our mascot is no longer suffering and will be barking "Go Dawgs" from his new game seat in the sky. RIP Blue dog, you'll be missed!!

August 31, 2013 RIP

Monday, September 2, 2013

Monday Morning Motivator

Mondays are tough for many of us and they just keep coming around.  That's why I've decided to create the Monday Morning Motivator to get my day off to the right start.  So grab your favorite cup of latte and a comfy seat and join me for a little Monday morning motivation...

Well most Mondays have been tough to get on my blog before heading off to school, but not today...

Labor Day means NO SCHOOL

Yes, I love my job and I love the kids but a day off is always a beautiful thing! Today will be a relaxing day just hangin with my boys! No big plans (other than the fact that the laundry baskets are overflowing and my carpets look like a golden retriever ) so it's a day to chillax!  We all need a day to recoup, refresh and rejuvenate for the days ahead - I hope you get that opportunity today!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

What is my settled pattern?

So I didn't go to church this morning, but instead I did my own reading. 2 Corinthians 10 says that we either walk in the flesh or we walk on the Spirit and both of these paths denotes a settled pattern.

What are some of the patterns that I've gotten into? This walk is along a long road and the journey has many bumps along the way, but it's imperative that we continue walking...and in the right direction.  I know that there are many patterns that I've gotten into that are making a turn down another road and I also know that I've gotten lazy  and stopped walking to find myself just sitting under a shade tree and enjoying the view without being in it.  God asks that we trust in Him and follow Him and he's given us the directions in His Word.

Today, I pray that I will not settle and instead I will deliberately follow God down the road that he has directed me down.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The adventure begins...

I think I've mentioned before, that I'm a crazy  hardworking person who decided to go back to school and get a teaching degree...actually two of them! I am in the last part of my journey to be certified in both elementary education and special education.  This next 17 weeks I am completing my student teaching; first in fifth grade general education and then in 7th/8th grade special education.

This isn't my first time in a classroom because I've been working in special education for the past 5 years, but now my future is truly on the line.  I must be able to "perform" when my advisor comes to watch or else there will be no licensure at the end of the road.  I absolutely adore my host teacher for fifth grade and we work so incredibly well together...that's gives me such a piece of mind.

This is the first official word of wisdom...

Monday, August 19, 2013

Monday Morning Motivator

I know that Mondays are tough for many of us and darn it they just keep coming around! That's why I decided to start my Monday mornings with my favorite cup of latte and a special motivation to get my day off to the right start.  So grab yourself a cup of joe and a comfy seat and join me for some Monday morning motivation...

Well this is week 2 back to school and I'm doing things a bit differently...mostly because I can't seem to get my butt out of bed early enough to really start my days off right.  This too shall pass...because it must :)

If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you 
will always look lovely.   
~Roald Dahl

When I read this quote I was immediately in love with it! What a profound statement yet so incredibly simple... Live your life in such a way that the positive out ways the negatives...look at the bright side of things...the glass 1/2 full instead of 1/2 empty ...the silver lining to every cloud...

This will make every Monday a little more Marvelous :)

Monday, August 12, 2013

Monday Morning Motivator


I know that Monday mornings are tough for many of us and darn it if it doesn't keep coming around.  That's why I've created my Monday morning motivator....so crap a cup of latte, a comfy seat and join me for a little motivation this Monday morning!


Today marks the first day back to school...teacher day! It's always exciting to go back and see everyone after the summer break but it's so sad to know that the downtime with my kids is over. This week will mark a huge new adventure in our house as we have a high schooler now! I can't believe that Cole is a freshman...how time flies. So this morning I am reflecting on how fast things change and starting off a new school year; for all of us, in the most positive way!

"For I know the plans I have for you, " said The Lord "plans for a good future and hope."           Jeremiah 29:11 paraphrased 

Let's go and make today the amazing one that God has planned for us...


Saturday, August 10, 2013

Last weekend of summer

I can't believe the days of yoga pants, t-shirts and flip flops is about to me over!!! Ahhhhh, I can't wear work clothes again!

Seriously though I do look forward to heading back to school to see all the rug rats munchkins  kiddos! I also look forward to some real routine back in my life...getting up early and being at work by 7:30 am is gonna' ****!

I love teaching so that I can have my summers off and be with my kids, but sometimes it's sooo hard going back! Half day Monday, no kids Tuesday and full kids and chaos on Wednesday...gonna need that Monday morning motivation this week for sure :)

What is your routine for getting the kids ready to go back to school after summer break? Do you change bedtimes? Do you make them begin reading again (since they didn't do it all summer- ha ha we all know)? Give us your tricks...

Monday, August 5, 2013

Monday Morning Motivation

I know that I've not been good about my Monday Morning Motivation... wow the summer has really messed with my schedule!  So here's the thing: It's only one more week until school starts back up and I'm back on track just where I should be.

So this morning was a very big morning for me because I had to take my final Praxis exam for my elementary education degree.  It was a 4 hour exam over all contents taught; reading, social studies, science and math.  First of all, explain to me why an elementary teacher has to be able to do the Pythagorean Theory, multiple-step algebraic equations and crazy geometry?! Oh well!!

Anyway, as I drove to my test this morning I reminded myself of Proverbs 3:5-6

"Trust in The Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and he will direct your path."

This was my prayer... I hope it helped :)

Monday, July 29, 2013

Summer Baseball has come to an End...

I absolutely love to watch my boys play their sports but I won't lie... I'm absolutely thrilled  over the moon that this summer travel season is over! This was our first venture into a private travel league and although we were proud of Caleb it's a world we're not ready for!

I encourage and yell for my boys (sometimes too much-I know) but some of the parents in travel baseball must think their children are ready for MLB. I'm a realist...Caleb is good and he loves playing baseball but he's no Joey Votto or Brandon Phillips! Did you catch that one?! Yes, we are huge REDS fans in our house!

Anyway, back to Caleb and his baseball. The team had a few issues: a couple obnoxious boisterous coaches (thankfully not my husband this year), a continuous losing streak, and over 50 games between May and July 20th! Exactly!! Tough! All in all, we learned a lot and he still loves the game of baseball so it's not a fail...

Most importantly, we have a few weekends back before school starts!! Woohoo!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

DIY Pallet Creations

Well I hinted at this, but I bet some of you (much like my husband) said "what in the world is she doing?" I'm being creative! I love to make myself treasures from other people's trash and recently I began seeing so many people making cool things from old pallets and barn wood so of ourselves, I thought...I can do that!

I started by having my husband bring me some pallets from his work and then the hard part began.  Some pallets, I completely tore apart and others I just cut to my desired size with the circular saw.

Once I decided what shape I wanted I hammered it all together and got the belt sander and gave it a good smooth finish. The first thing I made was a bench. I knew I wanted something fun...a different look than just  plain old  boring wood. I taped, I painted, I let dry, then I put a coat of polyurethane on the whole thing. Now I'm in love (and my girlfriend wants one too!)

I also got a little crazy and made myself a rustic looking wine rack from a pallet. Bottles of wine fit into the shelf and wine glasses hang from the bottom. Too fun!

Lastly (for now because I'm out of pallet:), I bulked up some plain picture frames.  I've been experimenting with layering multiple frames to create extra dimension so now I added some pallet pieces behind for just a little bit more...

I have had soooooo much fun with my creations! My husband thinks I'm crazy a little different, but he seems to be impressed.  I've got plans for a few more creations so stay tuned! How about you? What do you think about my creations? Have you made any similar things from pallets? Share with us all!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Yes, I'm still Alive

Part of me feels like I've fallen off the face of the earth...the physical part of me, on the other hand, feels like I've been chasing my tail! The past two weeks have been a whirlwind- vacation then living at the baseball diamonds. But if I'm being honest, I wouldn't have it any other way!

Now here's a sneak peek of my most recent craft adventures:

Now that I have your attention...I can't wait to show some of my finished projects! Promise I'm almost ready to show them off...

Have you been working on any new projects? Share ...

Monday, June 24, 2013

Monday Morning Motivator


For many of us, Monday morning is a tough one and darn it if it doesn't just keep coming around! I've decided to start my Mondays with my favorite cup of latte and a special motivator to get me in the right frame of mind. So grab your cup of coffee, get in a comfy seat and enjoy some Monday morning motivation...

                             " For I know the plans I have made for you, declares The Lord,
                                plans for your welfare and not evil. Plans for hope and future." 
                                  Jeremiah 29:11

No matter what I'm feeling like on this Monday morning, I know that God has planned great things for me. He has not intended to do me harm in anyway so I can rejoice and know that all is well! In this I can count my blessings and just breathe because He's already got it under control.  So today when you feel as if things are getting out of control or when you simply don't feel like it's what it should be remember God has a plan for you and it's a plan for GOOD not bad...it'll all work out as he planned!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Day 1 of Vacation

The hot Georgia sunshine, cousins running together and uncontrollable laughter...it's priceless. Vacation is always a beautiful thing, but when you're able to spend quality time with family it's so much more. Here's a sneak peak...


You know those times when you laugh so hard that your side hurts ( or if you've had multiple children- you tinkle just a little bit) ? That's what it's like when we get together in Georgia! It's so incredibly perfect!

So after a day of sheer craziness tonight will be even better...it's hunting time!! We're off to find us some armadillos, possums, raccoons and deer... Wish us luck!