Monday, October 28, 2013

Monday Morning Motivation


Monday mornings are tough for many of us and darn it if they don't just keep coming around! In order to try and get mine off on the right foot I decided to start the Monday Morning Motivation section.  So why don't you grab yourself a warm cup of your favorite latte and a comfy seat to join me  for a little extra motivation this morning...

After a long weekend of continual rain here in the Indy area, it is a beautiful sight to see the sun shining brilliantly over the ground! Even more beautiful is the fact at God loves me so much that he opened my eyes this morning and gave me another opportunity to do right by Him and those around me. Wow!!

 Thank you, God!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Repurposed with a Purpose

I've officially turned my hobby into a business! There's nothing that I won't redo and now I'm selling it! (Insert cheering and yells!) Woop woop!

I've put together a Facebook page called Repurposed with a Purpose where I'm posting photos of finished products, prices and customizable options!


I am having so much fun and it's so exciting to have people I don't know enjoying my work! As of today, I've sold my first two pieces and gotten a custom order! It gives me goosebumps (insert extreme pride and blushing).


So if you know anyone looking for a unique and customizable gift send them my way! Go check out the Facebook page Repurposed with a Purpose...