Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Top 13 of 2013...

As another year winds to a close I'm taking a few moments to remember all the joys, tears, successes and fears of 2013.  Some reminscing is to keep it from happening again (hopefully) while other is to not forget the blessings that have been poured out on us!


13).  Multiple trips to visit the Georgia Bakers!  It's always filled with craziness, laughter, fun and sometimes tears, but always full of adventure!


12). Baseball, Baseball and more baseball! This was our first year to experience travel baseball... not always a great experiennce, but we learned SOOO much!

11).  Cole started HIGH SCHOOL! I know that I'm not old enough to have a kid in high school, but Jake is (ha! ha! ha!- sorry but you're older than me, hubby).  I guess it  worries a mom more than the kid.  Cole survived had a great first semester in high  school so we'll hope that 2014 brings an even better 2nd semester.

10). Folds of Honor and the Indiana Patriot Cup.  In August, we were blessed to be a part of the Indiana Folds of Honor and raise money with Mike and Janine for families of wounded or killed soldiers.  The evening brought smiles as we listened to the children explain how they've been blessed by this organization and tears as we hear how they've lost so much to get these blessings.


9). Year number two at Zionsville West Middle School for me! So  grateful to be asked back to the school  that I've come to know and love- even better  I've been able to do my student teaching here where I know the kids and teachers!

8). My mom got a new job and is now working at Purdue University where she graduated from.  She's loved the atmosphere there and seems to be much happier which is a blessing.  

7).  Passed my Praxis exams (almost!). In order to get my teaching licenses,  I had multiple exams to take and I passed my final Special Education Praxis the first time out with flying colors and them the Elementary Education all content wasn't bad either ... except the MATH! Darn  it for those stupid numbers!! Passed all but the math on the first time out- took a couple  more tries onn that one.

6).  Golf, golf,  and more golf! NOT ME... oh no!! While I continue to stink at the sport, my boys are falling deeper and deeper in love with it as well as getting pretty good.  Wherever we go, it seems we have to find a golf course.  Cole was even able to  play in a Master's Junior Tournament which was an amazing experience.

5).  Repurposed With a Purpose. This fall I decided to sell some of the creations that I've been making...it was a huge hit! In a three week period I sold 13 of the "You are my Sunshine" signs! I hope it continues into 2014.

4). Kitty Coco joined our home in October 2013. Poor little babe was found in a dumpster with his brother at 2 weeks old. I nursed him, fed him with a bottle and fell in love so little kitty Coco is now a part of our family!

3). Family, family, family!

2). Laughter, lattes and love. I've not always been good about staying current with my blogging but it has been an enjoyable experience. What a fun way to share and communicate with people you've never met! My goal for 2014 is to be more consistent and keep in touch with my blogging world a little better than I did in 2013.

1). Wishes for blessings in 2014!!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas to All

        For unto us a child is born....

                                                                  Joy to the world
                                                               The  Lord   Is Come

                                                           Let Earth recieive Her King!

                                                         Let              Every        Heart 

                                                       Prepare          Him           Room

                                                     And  Heaven  and   Nature    Sing

                                                   And    Heaven     and    Nature   Sing 

                                                                Joy  To   the World!


Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas is Almost here...

   It's hard to believe, but Christmas is only 3 days away and I'm not ready!


The stockings are hung by the mantel with care and the gifts are all piled still waiting to wrap themselves be wrapped! I don't remember ever being this behind, but this year was filled with all sorts of adventures and chaos to keep me busy.  My little business of repurposing things has been crazy this month! It has been so fun, but it has keep me busy, busy, busy!


Oh and on top of all that I finished my student teaching this past week! I am done with all my school work except the final touches to my teaching portfolio.  I can't believe it but I'm actually going to be able to apply for my teaching license in January (insert Hallelujah chorus being sung here!)

While there's still so much to be done, I'm going to try to focus the next three days and remember what Christmas is all about.  Christmas is about Jesus and about family and love! Take a moment the next few days and try to relax and settle down... try to take a deep breath and be grateful for all that you have!

Merry Christmas to all and to all a Blessed night!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Monday Morning Motivation


I know that for many of us, Monday Mornings are a rough start to the week... but they keep on coming! That's why I came up with the Monday Morning Motivation so that I am assured to start the week off in the right frame of mind.  So grab your favorite cup of coffee and a comfy seat and join me for the Monday Morning motivator...

As we draw nearer to Christmas Day, I continually need to force myself to remember what the real reason of this season is.  The hustle and bustle can often distract us from what is truly important and I try to be aware of that throughout this month.  This month at church our pastor is focusing on Ephesians 2 and the verse of "Come now long expected Savior" and that is what Advent is.  

The word Advent means "waiting" which is what we are doing as Christians.  We are waiting for the 2nd coming of Christ just as they were waiting for a Savior to come before us.  


So as I start this 3rd week of Advent, I am going to try to slow down and remember what this season is truly about.  I want to remember that this time of year is about family... about love... and about people, but most importantly about a beautiful baby boy that was born to save the world from eternal damnation!  Thank you God for sending your son, to save me!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

12 Days of Christmas

Oh my goodness, it has been so long  forever since I've had the time to blog with you! My life has  been absolutely crazy awful hectic! So it's time to slow down and enjoy the time of year that I love so much... Christmas! This is a time of peace, love,  family and friends and there's just no way that anyone can be grumpy or sad during this season! Right?!

As I always do during Christmas it's time to create some more amazing decorations for the home! You would think I've done enough and that my house is exploding the fun and festive decor, but that will NEVER EVER EVER be the case because I love to create and decorate!  Since I have two boys in my house (OK, you're right there are 3 because the hubby often acts like one of the boys !!) I am not able to decorate my home in a sophisticated and classy kind of way that I might like, but instead I try to keep things more traditional  with a bit of a rustic or primitive flair...

My tree is trimmed with simple white lights and sock monkeys...

The stockings are hung by the stairwell :) with care...

The elf  is watching for all to be nice (not naughtY)...

And I've added a splash of "girly color" to my sidetable...

Merry Christmas!!